Monday, 29 July 2013

Paprika Guacamole

I’m attempting to get a bikini body for my holiday at the end of summer. This involves daily runs, daily toning and of course…eating as healthy as possible. Now I have to be honest…I don’t usually eat avocados because for students they’re a little expensive. However, this week they were on offer so I decided to treat myself to a little bit of home made guacamole! This may not be the most beautiful Guacamole due to the paprika giving it a dull colour….but the wonderful flavor makes up for it!

Although Avocados are not great on the calorie side… approximately 320 calories with 250 coming from fat, a single avocado contains 55% of your RDA of fiber and 33% of your RDA of vitamin C.

The idea of so many calories from fat may be off putting, but fear not! Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat. A large amount of research shows that monounsaturated are very good for general health and can help towards living a longer life. These health benefits include:

·      Decreased risk of breast cancer

·      Reducing cholesterol levels

·      Decreased chance of heart attacks and strokes

·      Weight loss assistance

·      Loss of belly fat

The paprika in this recipe not only makes it taste delicious, it adds to the health benefits too. It is one of the best spices you can have for levels of anti oxidants. This mean it can contribute to good cardiovascular heath as well as prevent cancer. The high levels of anti oxidants means that it can neutralize damaging free radicals and encourages detoxification. Some research has also shown that it is a good anti inflammatory and stress reducer.

So go on…indulge in my paprika guacamole! It may taste unhealthy, but in fact you are simply helping to keep your heart happy and your weight down!

To make this you will need:

Chopping board




1 Avocado

½ small onion

1 plum tomato

1 small garlic clove

1 tsp. paprika

½ tsp. salt

1 tbsp. lemon juice or squeeze ¼ lemon

1.     Cut the avocado in half and remove the stone

2.     Score the avocado into little squares and spoon it out into a bowl

3.     Chop ½ a small onion finely and add into the bowl

4.     Chop a small clove of garlic into tiny pieces and add to bowl

5.     Chop a plum tomato into small cubes and add to bowl

6.     Add the lemon juice, paprika and salt.

7.     With a fork, mash the mixture together until it is at a consistency you prefer…I like mine not too smooth but not too lumpy. Some prefer to not mash at all, some may with to blend it…it’s whatever suits you!

8.     To serve, spoon the mixture into a ramekin and enjoy!

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